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What is Meaning of Education

The word education is derived from educare (Latin) “bring up”, which is related to educere “bring out”, “bring forth what is within”, “bring out potential” and ducere, “to lead”. In ancient Greece, Socrates argued that education was about drawing out what was already within the student. (As many of you know, the word education comes […]

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The modern public school system is broken. It’s not just the school itself that is failing us, but also the government and parents who buy into this flawed system. We need to do something about it because our children deserve better than what we’re giving them now. Is Public School really Free? Public schools in […]

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What is Art

Learn more about what makes and defines art https://phxca.org

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Why Study Literature

This lecture introduces basic concepts of narrative identity theory as part of studying literature. https://phxca.org

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Importance of Education

"The main hope of a nation
lies in the proper education of its youth"

Main Reasons Why Education is So Important

Education is a key to success. We also come across several quotes about the importance of education. Education is so important. We need education in our life. https://phxca.org

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Strategies for a Successful College Search

According to some education experts, it’s never too early for high school students to begin looking for a college to attend. They advise doing research on major professions and enrollment prerequisites as early as ninth grade.

Students should do their homework to find out which universities and colleges can provide the academic courses they want to take.

Helpful Tips for a Successful College Search

1-Plan Beforehand

Experts concur that starting the college search in the senior year is too late. Planning beforehand will save you time in the long term. Students in high school who intend to enroll in college to pursue an undergrad program should begin getting acquainted with institutions that offer the academic programs they are interested in as sooner as the ninth grade.

2-Knowing Yourself

Students must understand who they are—what they enjoy, are interested in, how they perceive things, and how they thrive. From science and math departments to the arts, music, and theater, some universities may have a good recognition for competence in one or more niche fields. Students should pay interest to that when conducting research if they have certain interests and talents that they intend to advance in college and possibly after.

3-Create a Disciplined Study Routine

In order to be prepared for coursework in college, high school students should plan on devoting two to three hours every day to reading and studying. This is partially due to the extensive reading that is necessary in college.

The Importance of Education in a Modern Society: How it Helps and what are its Benefits?

There are many different types of education that you can get. It ranges from primary school, secondary school, post-secondary education and continuing education. Education is essential for personal growth and development, career advancement, preparation for new career fields, or simply as a hobby.

What is the Importance of Education in a Modern Society?

Simply put, education is the act of teaching or acquiring general knowledge, whether it is formal or informal, or the process of being educated, such as attending a school.

Education is the process of actively acquiring knowledge and the skills needed in life, often as a result of instruction and practice, usually over some time beginning at a very young age. There are many reasons why education is important in modern society.

Educational Benefits for Individuals

As a person, completing education brings achievement to oneself like for instance:

  • Self-Confidence – If you are well-educated, you are more likely to have a good self-esteem and feel confident in yourself. This is helpful in many ways, such as finding a job or interacting with other people.
  • Skills for Life – A good education teaches you about how to solve problems, communicate with others, and think critically. This means that you will be more prepared for whatever challenges you may face in life. It is also helpful in finding a job, like being a driver in the towing company towing service San Jose.

Educational Benefits for Society

If people in the society gets a degree and be more inclined in education, they’ll benefit their society in a number of ways similar to the following:

  • Healthier and More Prosperous Society – A well-educated society is more likely to be a healthy society where people do not fall sick easily. This means that there are less medical costs. A society with a good education also tends to be prosperous because people are able to earn money through different jobs. 
  • Stronger Economy – A well-educated society is also likely to be a more innovative society. This means that there are more new inventions, technologies, and ideas created. This is important for the economy because it can lead to new companies and products that can be sold or used.

Learning and Education In The Digital World

When it comes to digital change, people too often only consider the technical side. But new methods and applications in learning and teaching unavoidably entail social transformations. A plea to broaden the field of vision.

Inquiring about new content and methods of learning and teaching for different fields of education is becoming increasingly important. The background is the far-reaching processes of change in society. These were triggered by the omnipresence of digital media and have long since reached educational institutions.

Body-hugging technologies

When talking about digitization, infrastructure, hardware and software, also platform and offer structures of the Internet are meant. In this way, digital technologies are increasingly growing on the body and merging with everyday objects, making them less conspicuous than the weighty desktop computers of the past. Schools, universities and other educational institutions that were previously shaped by written and book culture are also facing the challenges of digital. Questions about individual media skills, resources and organizational responsibilities are increasingly being asked.

In many places, purely technically oriented deficit analyses lead to the immediate digitization of textbooks and content. Analog teaching is transmitted fully or partially into the digital space. You can do this with the help of InverseGeek tech experts.

Digitization is understood here simply as tooling, for example, classroom response systems that replace verbal queries are intended to “motivate” learning.

How does media action shape your coexistence?

Educational institutions are now faced with the challenge of meeting technical and social developments when designing their educational offerings. It should have become clear that simple implementation practices of digitization do not result in real change. They even reproduce existing inequalities, since the use of digital media continues to depend on age, gender and educational background. It would be logical not to limit the campaign of comprehensive media skills to subject teaching. Rather, it is to understand it as a life-long and interdisciplinary task across all institutions. This means teaching learning goals in the narrower sense, but also normative goals in connection with the term education.

Media and education

Media development plans that control this area in educational organizations usually only provide teachers and learners with a framework for action. The field of media and education as a whole is too fluid. In addition, the widespread distinction between digital and analogue slows things down more than is often thought. Digital media are no longer a fad beyond the well-known, “analogue” world. Because they are ubiquitous, advice should go beyond tools and infrastructure on education in a digital society.

The Key Benefits of Social Media in Schools and How it Helps with Communication

More and more teachers are using social media like Instagram and Facebook to reach out to their students. Schools and the education industry are starting to understand the importance of social media.

Social media can be a great tool for students to learn and communicate. It allows them to connect with their classmates and teachers in a new way.

The key benefits of social media for schools are that it helps with communication, learning, and collaboration. It also helps students to network with people outside the school setting.

Social Media Benefits for Teachers and Principals

Social media has become an essential part of modern society and it is not just a tool for communication, but also one of the most powerful marketing tools.

Teachers and principals are finding new ways to use social media to engage with students, parents, and other stakeholders. Social media can help them build relationships with their students who are located in different parts of the world. It gives them a chance to share knowledge with their students in a way that works best for them.

Read also: Various Ways of Integrating Wearable Technology in School Setting

Social Media Benefits for Teachers:

  • It provides teachers an opportunity to stay connected with their students who might be living across the globe
  • It helps teachers build relationships with parents
  • Social media can help teachers share knowledge in a way that works best for them
  • Social media can help teachers combat the issue of Information Overload
  • It gives teachers the opportunity to build their own personal brand and have an influence on their school

Social Media Challenges for Teachers:

  • Social media takes a lot of time, energy, and effort. If a teacher doesn’t invest in social media they won’t be able to share what they know
  • Teachers need to be diligent in moderating the content they share and the type of information they post
  • It’s important for teachers to be careful when sharing personal information

Ways Social Media is Helping Students Succeed Outside the Classroom

In today’s society, people are always on their phones and glued to social media platforms. This has led to a surge in online learning. More and more people are using online content to learn.

Social media is a powerful tool for students to use outside of the classroom. It can help them build connections with people who can provide resources, share their work, and even provide feedback.

The benefits of social media for students are many and varied. In addition to the academic benefits, social media can also be used as a form of self-care for students struggling with mental health or emotional issues.

How to use Social Content on YouTube to Help Students Learn a New Skill or Stay Informed on Current Events

The introduction is about how to use social content on YouTube to help students learn a new skill or stay informed on current events.

Most people know that YouTube is a great resource for learning new skills, but what many don’t know is that it can also be used as an educational tool. There are some channels on the site that focus on specific topics, like cooking and knitting. These videos can teach you new skills without any extra work from you.

Various Ways in Integrating Wearable Technology in School Setting

Edtech has the potential to change schooling into a more globalized, participatory experience while also posing new challenges in terms of learner time management and classroom administration.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Wearable technology can be incorporated in the classroom with a little devotion and assistance from teachers to help learners interact with courses in a more significant and enduring way.

Ways in Integrating Wearable Technologies in Learning

Here are the different methods to integrate wearable technology in schools. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Virtual Reality Headsets

Virtual reality allows users to immerse themselves in some other perspective, time, or location, making it ideal for teaching history, other cultures, and historic cities to students.

2. Fitness Tracking Devices

Instead of running one mile once a week, students can track their daily fitness improvement and progression throughout the school year.

3. GoPros and Video Recorders

Teachers can employ wearable, handy video recorders to capture courses and in-class conversations, which can afterwards be seen by learners who were missing or unable to attend that day.

4. Smartwatches

Smartwatches can allow learners be more accountable and self-regulatory in their learning experiences by improving communication between them and their teachers.

5. Google Glass

Google Glass encircles the wearer’s head with all of the functionality of a smartphone. They include WiFi and 4G connectivity, which allows instructors and learners to communicate even while they are at home.

How to Give Education to Financially Unstable Families?

With rising housing costs and stagnant wages, more families are spending a greater portion of their income on rent. This is why it becomes more important to learn how to leverage the internet and make money out of it. You can even use local SEO company Toronto to help you achieve your goals.

Giving Education Opportunities to Families

In response, many companies have started to look at creative solutions to help less fortunate families who cannot afford schooling for themselves or their children. However, with so many different options available, it can be hard to know the best way to help families get the education they need.


Scholarships are, in our view, the best way to give education to financially unstable families, as they are both targeted and non-repayable. Some scholarship providers specifically target low-income students. 

Every year, thousands of students who would otherwise have been unable to afford university get help through scholarship programs. If your company is able to, this is a great way to help low-income families who are able to attend college but lack the resources to cover the full tuition cost. Other scholarships don’t explicitly target low-income students, but instead have general criteria, such as academic excellence.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is a term used to describe government- or institution-offered grants and loans that help students pay for school. Financial aid is one of the best ways to give education to financially unstable families. For government financial aid, you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA form. This form looks at your family’s income and assets to determine which students are eligible.

If your company is able to, you can also use a financial aid matching program. These programs match any financial aid that a family receives from a university with additional funds from your company. This way, you can help families have access to the full amount of financial aid that they qualify for. For institution-offered financial aid, you’ll need to get in touch with the relevant university financial aid department. They’ll be able to tell you which students are eligible and how to apply.

Data and AI and Its Impact on Education

Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of fresh data are generated by electronic systems around the world.

While this data is typically housed in huge information vaults where it can be readily available by consumers, industries have been extracting their information for years to create themselves more productive.

Data holders can use artificial intelligence (AI) to turn a passive resource into a strong catalyst for increased growth. Despite the obvious benefits, the education sector has been sluggish to embrace digitization including the use of data and artificial intelligence to speed up learning.

Microsoft Teams and their Data Analytics System

Many institutions have adopted a combined or hybrid learning strategy and are looking to see what other advantages their digital infrastructure may provide. They can get transparency and expedite the effect of teaching-learning systems by utilizing cloud technologies and investing in educational apps. Here are some of Microsoft Teams’ systems that they employ for data analytics.

Education Insights

Microsoft Teams’ Education Insights is a wonderful example of this. It utilizes data analytics to bring teachers up to date on their students’ interaction, progress, and well-being.

Reading Progress

It is a literacy tool that allows pupils to videotape themselves reading out loud. The program keeps track of all the difficult words and gives visual assistance and supplementary reading tasks to help the reader improve.

Ideas for School Promotional Products That Will Actually Pay Off

Promotional items are used to promote a school or a brand. They come in different shapes and forms like pens, pencils, stickers, mugs, and more. Promotional items are used for the purpose of branding and marketing as well.

Promotional products are often used by schools to market themselves. Schools use them to raise awareness about their school or its programs. These promotional products also help in the brand promotion of the school or organization itself. In Israel, Zeev offers advertising products that schools can use for their marketing efforts.

Promotional Products for Schools That Will Actually Pay Off

One of the best ways to make your school stand out from the rest is by creating unique and innovative promotional products. These can be a great way to show how much you care about your school and its students.

Promotional products are a great way to market your school, but it is important that they are effective. Here are some examples of promotional items that will actually pay off for your school:

  1. School Supplies – This includes pencils, notebooks, pens, and other supplies that students use on a daily basis in their classes. These items can be given out during back-to-school nights, and all the students can use them for the entire school year.
  2. School Uniforms, t-shirts, and socks – The use of school uniforms, school PE t-shirts, and socks are great promotional items. Make sure these items have your school logo on them.
  3. School Varsity Jackets – this is a great option for getting sports team members excited about varsity jackets. Don’t forget to match them with some school varsity dress pants, too!

Other items you can consider:

  • Pens with school logo
  • Tumblers with your school logo on it

Read also: Educational Apps – Why It’s Worth Investing On

What are the 7 Types of Effective School Marketing Strategies You Should Know About?

The seven types of effective school marketing strategies are:

  1. Engagement-based strategies
  2. Content-based strategies
  3. Community-based strategies
  4. Social media-based strategies
  5. Branding and reputation management-based strategies
  6. Digital marketing-based strategies
  7. Inbound marketing-based strategies

Schools are one of the most important institutions in society and without them, people would not be able to receive a proper education. Schools need to market their services to attract more students. Students are not always aware of which school is the best for them, so they should help them find the right school. To do this, schools have hired marketing agencies that help design advertising campaigns, TV commercials and social media posts.

Club Management for Schools and How You Can Use it to Boost Businesses

Schools are always trying to find new ways to innovate and make their students feel more engaged. One way they can do this is by using technology. Campai, a company that offers cub management tools features an application for admission (aufnahmeantrag) that schools can use to fully manage students, faculty, and staff. Clubs in schools are a great way for students to get involved in the school community. However, clubs can be hard to manage without a club management tool.

Schools need a club management tool because it allows them to streamline their club processes and create an easier experience for their members. The tool allows schools to create an online membership platform, generate reports on the number of members, access member information and manage member payments easily.

Why do schools need to use a club management tool?

Club management is a business that helps schools and organizations increase their revenue. It’s a business model that focuses on the use of promotional products as well as the sale of gift cards and other items to students, parents, and alumni.

The key to success in club management is in understanding what your customers are interested in. This could be anything from food to snacks to apparel or even team gear. By understanding what your customer wants you can create sales opportunities for them.

How Schools Benefit from Club Management Tools

Club management software helps schools with managing their clubs and students, which makes it easier for them to manage their school clubs. It also has a platform that allows teachers and students to communicate. This can help the school in many ways such as improving the student’s grades, boosting morale, increasing collaboration between teachers and students, etc.

Schools should not be left behind when it comes to using technology in their club management process. Club management tools can help them explore new ideas and find new ways to improve their school clubs. Schools have been using club management software for a long time now, but the use of these tools has increased over the years with the rise of social media platforms and mobile apps.

Read also: Playing as a Learning Tool

How to Choose the Right School Clubs Software to Grow Your Business

Choosing the right school clubs software can be a daunting task. You have to figure out what your needs are, what you need the software to do, and how much money you want to spend.

Here is how to choose the right school clubs software for your business.

1) Conduct a search for relevant keywords related to your business

2) Find out if there are any free trials available

3) Compare different packages offered by different companies

4) Explore the club management tool if it works for you

5) Read reviews from those who have tried the application

Conclusion: How can you use club management tool to Boost Businesses

Club management tools are a great way to boost your business. They offer a range of services for clubs, including membership applications and online reservation systems. In conclusion, club management tools provide businesses with a variety of services that will help them grow. The best way to use these tools is to find the one that fits your business needs.

The GYO Program and Its Effect on the Education System

GYO programs encourage community members to teach in local pre-K-12 schools. The said program is highly achievable through collaborations between school organizations, community-based groups, and colleges. While some programs assist those who are already in the field of teaching, such as paraeducators or alternative teachers, in acquiring teaching licenses, the majority are designed to introduce high school students to the field.

Participants in these programs gain comprehensive assistance services like teaching, culturally sensitive pedagogy training, and, in some regimen, financial assistance to cover the amount-related teacher preparation.

The support personnel and students aspiring to be teachers are familiar with the community, the procedures, the beliefs, and the way the system operates.

The Effects of GYO Programs

The GYO program is another strategic teaching approach to the current education system that has been affected by the pandemic. With that, here are some ways how the GYO Programs affect our education.

Additional Numbers of Diverse Classrooms

Teacher demographics have a great potential to mimic student demographics when teachers are recruited from the local areas vicinities rather than from neighboring districts or states.

Fill the Gaps

Experts demand that school districts encounter problems most of the time to find skilled instructors to teach special education and English being the second language. However, some states are seeking ways to solve such gaps through the GYO programs as they are aware of the importance of education.

Educational Apps – Why It’s Worth Investing On

The educational app store is a great place to find apps for learning. This is where parents, educators, and students can discover new ways to learn and develop skills. If in doubt about an application, you can check them out on review sites like youreviewit or do a quick search on Google.

Educational apps are the future of learning. As more people choose to adopt this technology, more companies will start developing educational apps. An educational app store is a great place for people to find high-quality educational apps that can help their kids or students learn better and faster.

Educational Apps Help Improve Learning Skills

Educational apps for kids are a great way to give your child a head start in their education. They can be used to learn or reinforce lessons learned at school and they can also be used as an educational supplement.

The educational app market is constantly evolving and there are new apps being developed every day. There are some that have been around for a while and are still popular, like Khan Academy, but there are also newer ones like ABC Mouse that offer more interactive learning experiences.

Why You Need To Invest in Educational Apps Now and How to Get Started

Investing in education technology is a great way to improve the learning experience for students. It can also help teachers to provide a more engaging environment for their students.

There are many ways to invest in educational apps. You can invest in the development of an app, you can invest in an app company or you can simply invest your time by volunteering at a school and helping them develop their own apps.

What are the Best Educational Applications For Children?

Educational apps are a great way to keep children engaged and learning. It is important to find the right app or games that will be a good fit for your child’s needs.

The best educational applications for children are listed below:

– Duolingo: This is an app that helps people learn languages by translating phrases they enter into their phones. It also has a feature where it can translate real-time conversations, which is perfect for traveling abroad or just making yourself more fluent in another language.

– Khan Academy: This application offers over 3,000 videos on subjects ranging from math to art history. The videos provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve problems and give you visual examples so you can complete the exercise by yourself at home.

– Minecraft: This game is a popular form of entertainment that allows players to build and create their own 3D worlds. It is considered educational because it teaches problem-solving and creativity.

Read also: The Effect of Minecraft on Education

– Treehouse: This app focuses on teaching children about coding, electronics, and web design in ways that are interesting for kids to learn. As they progress in the app, students can move from learning basic skills to using these skills to create their own web pages, games, and animations.

Online websites are useful for learning purposes, but they can be felt like a waste of time, money or effort because they do not provide any real benefit such as tangible items.

How to Choose the Right App for Your Child’s Needs?

Choosing the right app for your child’s needs can be a daunting task. There are so many apps available in the market that it is difficult to find the one that would suit your child’s needs.

If you are looking for an app to help your child with their reading and writing skills, then you should go with ABC Mouse. This app has been designed by educators and is a great way to teach kids basic literacy and math skills.

If you want to teach your child about geography, then they should try GeoSafari Jr! This app has been designed by National Geographic and will be a great way to make learning fun for your kids.

The Effect of Minecraft on Education

Minecraft has risen from its modest start ups in 2011 to grow as the best-selling video game ever. Minecraft: Education Edition was built by Mojang, the new makers of the most updated Minecraft content, with the goal of boosting learning and retention for children in school.

What is Minecraft: Education Edition?

The new education edition of Minecraft serves as a guided experience that leads players via a series of tasks aimed at teaching them certain skills. These include the problem-solving skills, STEM skills, curriculum concepts, and teamwork, all while allowing them to express themselves.

It also become a gateway that opens up new forms and strategies for teaching specific topics that are easier to understand and apply.

The Vision of Minecraft: Education Edition

Minecraft already helps to train and improve specific learning aspects like hand-eye coordination, resource management, and creativity as a 3D building game.

Furthermore, Mojang concentrated its efforts on incorporating STEM learning tools. Chemistry, coding, and allowing students to collaborate on challenges in order to foster teamwork and leadership abilities are all included here.

The Sucess of Minecraft: Education Edition

Minecraft: Education Edition has been utilized by numbers of students in around 40 countries from the first day it was released. This game has helped students learn and comprehend to topics considerably faster compared to traditional teaching techniques.

Staying attentive and handling cross-curricular lessons can be observed on students when using Minecraft: Education Edition, according to teachers all over the world. This is something that is typically hard to incorporate when the traditional teaching methods has been used.

Computador Completo – Tool For Teaching And Learning

Computers come in different sizes, types and uses. The most common computer that is built for regular general-purpose use and designed for individual end-user is the personal computer, or PC. Desktop computers, all-in-one (AIO) computers and laptops are examples of PCs.

Computador Completo – Your Personal Microcomputer

Fast, efficient, versatile, and easy to use – These are some of the incredible qualities of personal computers. Because of their numerous capabilities and functions that make work and other tasks simpler and faster to perform and complete, these microcomputers are most fitting for personal and office work and use.

As a large number of users find personal computers very functional and useful, there is always a demand for PCs making them hugely available on the market. For example, Atual Center has a line of computers built for home and family use, corporate use as well as for gaming use.

With Atual Center, you can securely purchase a computador completo online at a reasonable cost. You also get a warranty for one year for any product that you purchase on their site as well as free shipping for select areas in Brazil.

Their best-selling computador completo have excellent processors, RAM memory, internal storage, and graphics memory providing superb speed, responsiveness and reliable power and performance. You can be certain that you can run several applications faster as well as enjoy high-quality visuals.

Computers Support Teaching and Learning

Computers have transformed nearly all aspects of life. Education is among them. In many ways and varying levels, computers have improved the teaching-learning process making it more efficient and effective as well as more beneficial for both learners and teachers.

Computers greatly help teachers impart information and students learn new knowledge in a more interactive and interesting manner. As our world today is extremely high-tech, learners are most likely making use of a computer, such as a desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, to assist in their schooling. For instance, students are able to research and gain access to a multitude of information in audio and/or visual form that would help them in their school-related tasks. This is made possible with computers and the internet.

For teachers, computer use in the classroom have made it easier for them to allocate their attention and time. Programs that are designed for remedial students and software for tutoring and advanced learning help educators in addressing the needs of those students falling behind or those who require schoolwork that are more challenging. Computers also aid in slowing down or speeding up the learning process. Additionally, calculating averages, recording grades, and other tasks using a computer are made easier and more accurate for teachers saving them time and energy.

Transportation and Education of Students


Student promotion is a promotion for students who cannot go to school on their own. For example, it may be due to an illness, disability, or behavioral problem. Who is the target audience? How can I make a request? How much does it cost?

Who are you targeting?

Students have the right to transport students such as:

– Due to the obstacle, it is not possible to travel independently by public transport.
– I go to a special school (elementary school).
– Transportation of students who go to school beyond the prescribed kilometer limit

Types of student transport

Municipalities allow students assigned to special primary and special (junior high school) schools to actually attend. There are various options:

– Your child will receive a public transport subscription (perhaps even for a companion)
– Your child uses organized transportation by bus or taxi (adaptive transportation)
– If your parents pick up your child and take you by car (earnhardt Honda), etc., you will be reimbursed for the cost.

Applying for student transport

You can apply for transportation in the city where you live. You will need to submit a new application for each academic year. Municipalities determine whether a child is eligible to be transported under the laws of the municipality. You can check or request local school traffic regulations from your municipality to find out what you are given.

The Dutch Municipal Association (VNG) has created a model regulation for attending school. Most municipalities issue this ordinance. You can easily check if your child is eligible for transportation by using the attached “School Transportation Condition Sheet”.

Parental Fees

Municipalities can apply for donations for the transportation of students in (special) elementary school areas. Can my child travel by public transport because he has a disability? In this case, the municipality may not ask for donations from parents.

Municipal evaluation application

When evaluating an application for attending school, the municipality must consider “efforts that can be reasonably expected from parents”. Municipalities can also take into account (traffic) information from experts when reviewing applications. This is important in reviewing this application. There is also the issue of whether students can travel independently.

Kilometer limit for school

Municipalities have set a minimum distance between home and school. Usually, this is 6 kilometers. If the distance from your home to school is less than 6 km, you may not be able to attend school. As a general rule, this restriction does not apply to children who cannot travel (independently) by public transport due to their disability.

Education is important to children, so transportation is a need for them to go to school.

How to Boost Your Career with a Certificate?


Have you ever thought about boosting your career with a certificate? Certificates are a great way to show off your skills and qualifications. They don’t have to be expensive, either. With the number of free or cheap courses available online, you can find one for just about any skill. Below are some tips on how to find the perfect certificate course for you and how to use it after you’ve got it.

Why Get a Certificate?

Certificates are a great way to show off skills and qualifications. While certificates don’t have to be expensive, you should make sure you find one that fits your skillset. For example, if you’re working in customer service then the certificate will likely not be as valuable as it would be for someone with an IT or marketing background.

There are many reasons to get a certificate. Certificates can help you acquire new skills for your current job, they can help you switch careers, or they can help you advance in your current career. If your employer offers tuition reimbursement or if the company you want to work for requires certain certifications, then obtaining them now will give you an advantage when applying for jobs.

How to Find the Perfect Course?

What type of certificate course are you looking for? Do you need a certificate in a specific field? If so, what are some things you should look for when searching for the perfect free or cheap certificate course?

  • Is this course accredited or endorsed by any agency or board? You want to choose an accredited course.
  • What is the length of the course? If it’s too long, it may be hard to complete on your own time.
  • How long do you have access to the materials after finishing the course? Some certificates expire after a certain amount of time, which can make them useless if they expire before you have had a chance to use them on your resume.
  • Do I need to take any prerequisites before beginning this course? Prerequisites are necessary for many of these courses, but they can also be difficult to find at times.

Once you found a program, you can click here and check out some products that can help you with your course and absorb the lessons faster.

Organizations that Helped to Fill the Gap of Nigerian Education

In estimation, the population of out-of-school children in Nigeria is around 10 million.

Being the highest country ranked with the most number of out-of-school children, there are numerous factors leading to this problem in the country.

  1. High rates of poverty
  2. Terrorism
  3. Insecurity
  4. Covid-19
  5. Gender which also covers discrimination, child marriage, and gender-based violence

With this, majority of the children in Nigeria do not have any accessibility to good education. Eventually, the cycles of poverty goes on and on and on. The good news is many organizations are working their best effort to give quality education to the country. They are actually reaching for the most underserved communities and solving the root causes of this concern.

Organizations that Give Better Education in Nigeria

January 24, 2022 is the celebration of the World Education Day. And during this day, the hard works of amazing organizations in giving more access to children were recognized. In connection to that, here are some of those organizations that promise a bright future for children in Nigeria.

Lagos Food Bank Initiative (LFBI)

The Education Enhancement Intervention for Food Insecure Students or EDUFOOD is one of the programs lined-up under LFBI. This aims to improve the nutritional health status of students destructed by food insecurity.

Dream Catchers Academy

An exclusive organization for girls, Dream Catchers Academy for Girls offers boarding education and performing arts for Nigerian girls who are undeserved and abandoned. Dancing is the educational tool being used in this institution.

Dolly Children Foundation

Providing educational materials such textbooks and even uniforms and school supplies is the main role of this nonprofit organization.

Advantages and Opportunities of Online Learning



Many parents are logically not confident in learning on the Internet. Because, in addition to many supporters, there are also one or two opponents. There is no general answer to the question of which of them is correct.

As is often the case, there are always strengths and weaknesses. This also applies to online learning. But knowing these usually sheds some light.

Opportunities and Advantages of Online Learning

Overall, the development of online learning opportunities provides many opportunities to accompany, motivate, personally support, and broaden the horizons of experience for students during learning. Increase their knowledge also with the internet, educational websites (with editorial link building service), informative articles, blogs, films, videos, etc.

We have summarized the specific benefits and advantages of online learning and the importance of education:


1: Content Topic

Thanks to the internet connection, the content and applications created are regularly checked, updated, and improved as needed. Many know this from regular updates of the app on tablets and smartphones.

Users can benefit from improvements and enhancements as soon as they become available.


2: Multimedia and Interactivity

The online offer is particularly attractive to children because it is multimedia-based. Images, movies, sounds, interactive 3D graphics, and lighting can be done at the same time. Many learning opportunities on the Internet are also designed to be interactive.

For children’s knowledge tests and online learning, the portal is followed by an on-screen reaction. The numbers move, the door opens and the correct answer is displayed. This allows users to quickly determine if they are right.


3: It is possible to work with others

Children want to learn very well and group with others. This is evidenced by various approaches to this so-called peer learning. Online-based offers such as wikis and digital classrooms offer the best conditions for this.


4: Adaptation to individual learning levels

Children understand things at different speeds. They bring different levels of prior knowledge and are more or less interested in specific content, whether focused or not.

An online-based learning system addresses these various learning requirements directly and with great flexibility to support individual students.


5: Motivational

Suitable for ages and specific application situations, children will soon be very motivated. However, online learning, in particular, can create additional learning incentives.

Children are even more motivated to learn if they can measure themselves against others with well-defined goals in mind.


6: Flexibility to Learn on the Go

Online-based learning opportunities allow children to learn anywhere they have a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access. This makes learning more mobile and flexible.


Points to note when learning online:

1. Safe handling of new media
2. Supporting the use of media
3. Quality check of online learning offers


Playing as a Learning Tool

Play is an excellent way to learn and has been shown throughout history as a stepping stone for children who want more than just fun. Kid’s play not only entertains them, but also provides opportunities in education with unstructured time spent interacting freely without adult supervision or instruction from teachers.

In recent years there have been many studies done on how kids’ informal games can be used by educators looking at developing skills like creativity through arts & crafts projects while exploring topics such social sciences (economics), geography/geology etc… They are able explore these subjects before they even take any level.

Play and Learn in Pre-K

We all know that kids need to play outside sometimes, but did you realize how important it is for them?

Playing has long become an essential tool through the growth of children.

This is according to Katherine Green, a faculty member from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

In fact she says there’s research showing the positive impact this typeof activities can have on literacy skills as well mathematics growth among other things including social competence, regulation and child’s confidence. So when we ask ourselves what should our child be doing during his/her free time – shouldn’t he or she also spend some?

Play and Learn in Kindergarten

Kindergarten is the time when children learn how to work together in teams and on tasks with rules that can be challenged by another player or group. It’s also an opportunity for them explore their creativity while learning new skills such as taking turns, following instructions (even if they’re unclear), sharing things equally among teammates so no one has all of the responsibility put onto him/herself alone–and most importantly: having fun!

Education: What is it and Why is it important?

What is education?

Education is a measure of how well a person has stored and can process information about reality. These are based above all on connections between what is going on in the world and how you deal with it. Education describes both the process of learning and the transfer of knowledge as well as the result, the information skills in a person’s brain.

Is school important?

School attendance has been compulsory in Germany since the 19th century. Before that, education was an accidental good – especially for the social elite.

Today it is actually the task of schools to create educational equality, better said equality of opportunity: all children should have the best possible access to socially recognized positions, jobs, prosperity, power, and political influence.

Today education is free and compulsory for all children – but it is still distributed very differently. Virtually all of the human knowledge can now be found on the Internet for free. Competencies are therefore even more important than knowledge – and wisdom is something else.

Why is education important?

I bet you yourself can think of a few answers straight away when asked why education and school are important …

Let’s do a headstand for this: Imagine that you had no education at all.

  • Then you would not be able to use this technical device on which you are reading this text.
  • You couldn’t read at all.
  • You would not even on the idea come, the question “Why is education important?” To ask.
  • A social life without education is not possible, especially not with our complex digitalized society in times of climate change

But: a large part of our education is not visible, we have got used to it.
Because: Education is more than what is taught in school – education is the number of skills, knowledge, meaningful behavior that we have learned.

Unfortunately, the corona pandemic has also shown us that public education is still failing in some places: many people do not understand the connections behind a pandemic and prefer to believe in crude conspiracy theories. In addition, there are many people with mental health problems despite high-quality schooling. Despite (and because of) high-tech industry, there are serious environmental crises that threaten our existence as humanity (bee deaths, climate change) – so there is still a lot to be done in our collective education. Do your part!

What is Art

Learn more about what makes and defines art

Main Reasons Why Education is So Important

Education is a key to success. We also come across several quotes about the importance of education. Education is so important. We need education in our life.


Why Study Literature

This lecture introduces basic concepts of narrative identity theory as part of studying literature.


The Importance Of Education

The importance of education is something that our society hasn’t really grasped its significance yet. The culture you live in, the environment, the people you interact with – all of these factors have a massive impact upon the way you perceive things, in this case, the importance of education.

The real purpose of education is to evolve yourself. Education is meant to help you reach a higher state of being, which is far beyond finishing your higher education, or earning any sort of degrees.


What is Meaning of Education

The word education is derived from educare (Latin) “bring up”, which is related to educere “bring out”, “bring forth what is within”, “bring out potential” and ducere, “to lead”.
In ancient Greece, Socrates argued that education was about drawing out what was already within the student. (As many of you know, the word education comes from the Latin e-ducere meaning “to lead out.”)


