
Teaching a class is difficult. You need to be entertaining and informative, while also creating a lesson plan and dealing with students on a daily basis. For any instructors whom you’d asked, most of them will probably tell you how stressful it can be to keep the course on track.

It Takes Practice

If you are aspiring to become an educator someday, don’t feel stressed about it. Of course, with proper training and preparation, you’d be able to pull it off.

After all, there are different kinds of lectures that you can take advantage of when teaching a class and these are:

  • Expository
  • Interactive and;
  • Discovery

Responsibility of a Teacher

Needless to say, each kind has its own set of rules as far as using techniques such as active learning or clickers. Your job as a teacher is to ensure that your student will get the most from your class and to identify what teaching method would best fit them.
