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The modern public school system is broken. It’s not just the school itself that is failing us, but also the government and parents who buy into this flawed system. We need to do something about it because our children deserve better than what we’re giving them now.
Is Public School really Free?
Public schools in the United States are funded by local, state and federal taxes. Local property taxes support 20% to 50% of school budgets, while state and federal funding make up the rest.
The True Cost of Studying in a Public School
Despite their name, public schools aren’t free: Families and students living within district boundaries must pay tuition or fees to attend.
The average annual cost for elementary-school students is $4,239; middle-schoolers pay an average of $5,664; and secondary-schoolers shell out $7,755 per year on average. This forces a lot of parents to cry about the cost of sending their children to school and to give them good education.