Learning and Education In The Digital World
When it comes to digital change, people too often only consider the technical side. But new methods and applications in learning and teaching unavoidably entail social transformations. A plea to broaden the field of vision.
Inquiring about new content and methods of learning and teaching for different fields of education is becoming increasingly important. The background is the far-reaching processes of change in society. These were triggered by the omnipresence of digital media and have long since reached educational institutions.
Body-hugging technologies
When talking about digitization, infrastructure, hardware and software, also platform and offer structures of the Internet are meant. In this way, digital technologies are increasingly growing on the body and merging with everyday objects, making them less conspicuous than the weighty desktop computers of the past. Schools, universities and other educational institutions that were previously shaped by written and book culture are also facing the challenges of digital. Questions about individual media skills, resources and organizational responsibilities are increasingly being asked.
In many places, purely technically oriented deficit analyses lead to the immediate digitization of textbooks and content. Analog teaching is transmitted fully or partially into the digital space. You can do this with the help of InverseGeek tech experts.
Digitization is understood here simply as tooling, for example, classroom response systems that replace verbal queries are intended to “motivate” learning.
How does media action shape your coexistence?
Educational institutions are now faced with the challenge of meeting technical and social developments when designing their educational offerings. It should have become clear that simple implementation practices of digitization do not result in real change. They even reproduce existing inequalities, since the use of digital media continues to depend on age, gender and educational background. It would be logical not to limit the campaign of comprehensive media skills to subject teaching. Rather, it is to understand it as a life-long and interdisciplinary task across all institutions. This means teaching learning goals in the narrower sense, but also normative goals in connection with the term education.
Media and education
Media development plans that control this area in educational organizations usually only provide teachers and learners with a framework for action. The field of media and education as a whole is too fluid. In addition, the widespread distinction between digital and analogue slows things down more than is often thought. Digital media are no longer a fad beyond the well-known, “analogue” world. Because they are ubiquitous, advice should go beyond tools and infrastructure on education in a digital society.